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OrHIMA 2018 Annual Convention

Come hear Just Associates' Karen Profitt (MHIIM, RHIA, CHP) discuss how patient identification is at the core of everything that happens in healthcare.  When it fails, patient care quality and safety are often compromised. Now, there is a heightened focus of national attention on this critical topic. During this session, Karen will highlight the various initiatives underway, along with their common goals and efforts. Additionally, typical EHR/EMPI algorithm aspects and configurations will be discussed, as well as the benefits derived from taking optimization steps to improve overall matching performance.

Karen's presentation is scheduled for Thursday, May 31st from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.

Julie Dooling, Just Associates’ Vice President of Sales, will also be in attendance and would love to meet with you to discuss any data integrity needs or questions you may have. Click here to email Julie to schedule a time to meet!

Registration Information & Agenda